Guest Declaration

The health and well-being of our staff and guests is our highest priority. As a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, we are applying screening processes and hygiene measures to safeguard visitors to our premises and our employees.

On entry to the premises, please sanitise hands with the sanitiser provided.

As a condition of entry to the premises, please answer the questions below and adhere to the additional hygiene processes we have on our site


If you are unable to check all of the boxes above, then as a precautionary measure, you will be unable to visit our premises today.

We ask for your full support as we all have a shared responsibility to minimise the risk of exposure and protect our individual and collective health.

Self-declaration records will be used and disclosed for managing site access during the risk period only and as required by law. Records will be kept securely and retained for a period required under our retention schedules in compliance with privacy laws and regulations.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns and thank you for your co-operation.